Crafting company presentation video is not that easy. You can't just do a little bragging about yourself and expect it to work out. A good corporate video must communicate the essence of your brand, present services and overall value that the customer gets in a unique and attractive way. Over the years, we have identified five essential tips that should help you to make an outstanding corporate video clip:
#1 Decide on one key message that your video will communicate
Yes, only one. Why? It will help you to focus attention and resources on what you really want to say and keep away from non-essentials. No matter how much you want to tell about your amazing new product, youthful organisational culture and how much investment you've made this year, it just won't work in one clip as you would expect.
For example, if you create a video specifically for a conference to showcase your new product, focus on this goal. You may need to use video clip time on explaining it's features and usage, rather than showing your colleagues playing foosball or smiling office administrator. Less is more - resist the idea of showing everything you have in one video.
#2 Be specific about your audience
Who are you talking to in your video clip? Who is that right person? Where does he/she work? Spend free time? What type of social media posts he/she finds engaging? Try to get the most accurate portrait of your audience and then talk to them directly in the video. Choose the tone, execution type accordingly, and you will be one step closer to success.
#3 Keep in mind the attention span
If five years ago, a 4-minute video showed excellent results, now this duration has been reduced to approximately 30-seconds. We often come across cases where companies would like to have longer videos, ignoring the fact that they simply won't be watched until the end because of overall decreased attention span. It's more useful to split the long clip into a few shorter ones because - the bitter reality - ain't nobody has time to watch long videos until the end.
#4 Use the right tools
If you're crafting a clip with your inner company resources, keep in mind that professional filming gear, proper lightening and audio recording are essential. An ideal solution would be hiring a professional production studio. It would assure that your video is polished by competent producers, directors, videographers and other technical experts. Professionals can provide you original art direction, script, arrange production matters from A to Z and give useful insights. This would give better results than doing all the work by yourself or hiring a freelance videographer.
#5 Experiment!
Don't be afraid to show the human side of your business. Have some good time and insert a few elements of humour. It won't make your business any less serious, but will rather build an emotional connection with your viewer. If in previous corporate videos, your company presented itself through the talking-heads, you might want to get out of the comfort zone and create a stunning 3D animation that visualizes your company processes and actually shows what you're doing.
All in all:
Altogether, creating a successful, distinctive and exceptional corporate video can be both challenging and fun. You need to decide on your one key message, define the audience and keep up to date with the latest advertising trends. Or simply hire professionals who provide personalized insights and take over all production processes. We at Stepdraw have dealt with many video cases in more than eight years of work, so if you have any questions, email us at [email protected] and let's talk about corporate video production!